Home Events Research Studies Trans & Gender-Diverse trans men’s experiences in gay spaces research study interview

trans men’s experiences in gay spaces research study interview

Hi, my name is Eddie Zhang. I’m an undergraduate sociology major at the University of Washington. I’m currently conducting a research project focused on same-gender-loving identified trans men’s experiences engaging in gay men’s communities and spaces. The purpose of this study is to understand what it’s like to be a trans man in predominantly cisgender gay men’s spaces. The information collected in this study may be published in aggregate form in academic peer-reviewed journals or presented at professional academic meetings. All the responses during the interview will remain confidential and be kept only for research purposes. Any identifiable personal information will be removed or changed. My supervisor is Prof. Rosalind Kichler in the UW Sociology Department, and I have obtained IRB approval for this project. Participants should be: 18 +, identify as trans gay men and have come out for more than 1 year; had experiences of engaging in gay (men’s) communities & spaces (e.g. gay bar).


Oct 16 2024 - Jan 22 2025


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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